So interesting to learn this about Cassatt! It definitely gives a lot to ponder. Nothing like a mouse scuttling around to give everyone a little jolt. Having recently moved to the South, but having dealt with a bad mouse infestation before (there were so brazen!) I’m honestly hard pressed to say whether the roach or mouse would be worse haha.

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Mice ARE so brazen. Ugh. I can't even watch Ratatouille--it just gives me anxiety 😂

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Lovely meditation on Cassatt--thanks!

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I love the way you articulate the “both/and aspect” of the Cassat paintings. I find it really irritating that the curators push the idea that the maternal tenderness of these paintings is unreal simply because the women she painted were caretakers and not actually mothers. Artists have always used models.

Also, as Edith Stein articulated, women can be maternal without having biological children. I’m sure the caretakers Cassatt painted had a great deal of affection and even love for these children. In a way, their love is maternal, even though the children may not biologically be theirs.

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